Advisory Board

Professionally and personally highly qualified individuals who acknowledge the impact of intercultural encounters and projects with conviction and actively support them. People who, due to their specialist skills, also in completely different fields, always ask good questions and provide very valuable impulses for our work and development! Thank you!

Jan Schippmann

Investment Specialist,

Karin Harbeck

Pedagogical Advisor

Volker Dankers

Exchange Expert
  Speaker / Coach

Dr. Tobias Schulz-Isenbeck

Member of the Board, Limbach Gruppe SE, Heidelberg

Reisenetz e. V. - A strong community

With many colleagues in the Reisenetz e. V., the largest German trade association for children and youth travel, we work together for sustainable, educationally responsible travel for children and young people. We create spaces for positive, development-promoting experiences. We stand up for cultural diversity and the participation of all children and young people in the field of youth travel.

Xenophobia and minority discrimination contradict our international and cosmopolitan self-image.

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